The Rest of the Story?

Touching story designed to inflame, but there are many questions not addressed in this short attack advertisement.

Would the unnamed plant have survived regardless of Bain's action? Venture capital firms don't buy a healthy, profitable business and then close it down. 

When a company closes and/or the group insurance plan is cancelled every state has provisions for continuing health insurance. Why is this not addressed? 

If Mrs. Soptic and her husband were in good health at the time the group insurance plan was cancelled, why didn't they purchase health insurance then? 

Even still, some 35 states either have a high risk pool or some form of guaranteed issue health insurance. Why wasn't health insurance purchased then? 

It seems Mr. Soptic is a bit of a celebrity. The Washington Examiner provides some insight into his story.

Mr. Soptic was a union employee in a steel company that was losing money. Mr. Soptic, along with several others who worked there, were offered a buy out.

Why is Soptic upset? Primarily, its because his pension was cut. In this interview, Soptic clarified that his 401k was not affected but he lost $400 a month from his pension.

But in a January 2012 Reuters story, Soptic reportedly said that he only lost $283 per month from his pension.

Sad, but many have lost much more than that during this bottomless recession.

So why blame Mitt Romney for the failings of a company that appears to have been on its' last legs before Bain? Did Mr. Romney cause the business to fail? Were the prior owners poor business people? Did the union make unreasonable demands? Was the company simply a victim of the times?

Mr. Soptic claimed he had to liquidate his 401(k) to pay his wife's hospital bills following her death. Would he not have been better off by using his 401(k) to purchase a health insurance plan before she became ill or even afterward through one of the guaranteed issue options that have existed for nearly 20 years?


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