Beautiful eggs and gorgeous sperm

blue steel

If I hadn’t checked it out for myself I would have thought it was a joke. Those crazy narcissists over at have solved the biggest problem facing struggling, heartbroken, infertile couples: how do make sure it’s a beautiful baby? By using beautiful genetic material from the generous donors at I can’t help but think of Zoolander making a donation at the sperm bank.

And fear not, if you are one of the unfortunate ugly people, you can now browse for free. The website features a dedicated forum which helps infertile couples find attractive and willing donors. The Fertility Forum is offered selflessly as a place where parents plagued with worry about having ugly children can go for a solution. “Initially we hesitated to widen the offering to non-beautiful people,” said founder Robert Hintze, a seriously attractive Dane, but they decided the world could benefit from their exclusive gene pool. According to managing director Greg Hodge, who is of course very good looking as well, the site is “like any charitable work.”

For the uninitiated, is a members only group. Good looking members are chosen democratically by the current members. If you want to join, submit a photo and wait to see if you are in or out. “Every parent would like their child to be blessed with many fine attributes, attractiveness being one of the most sought after. For a site with members who resemble Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Angelina Jolie, you can imagine the demand,” said Hodge, probably with a completely straight, albeit beautiful, face.

Richard Paulson, a fertility expert at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California who seems to be both attractive and grounded in reality, reminded the beautiful but cerebral lightweights that there are no guarantees of creating a gorgeous baby: “Making a decision about one’s future partner, whether it is a marriage partner, or partner for reproduction, on the basis of information posted on a website would be naïve at best.” And frankly, standards of beauty are as fleeting as the careers of the latest Hollywood starlet.

Source: Bustamante/AFP


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