Smartphone stressing you out? Try meditation.


Meditation makes all things possible. At least new research from the University of Washington shows that training in meditation can aid in multitasking, calm stress and increase concentration. Researchers say that meditation training can help people working with information stay on tasks longer with fewer distractions and also improves memory and reduces stress.

Kiss stress and anxiety good bye; say hello to longer attention and better memory.

“To our knowledge, this is the first study to explore how meditation might affect multitasking in a realistic work setting,” said David Levy, a computer scientist and UW Information School professor.

Researchers compared three groups: a mindfulness-based meditation group, a body relaxation group and a control group. Before and after the eight week training period the volunteers were given a stressful test of multitasking abilities.

Results were significant. The meditators reported lower levels of stress. They also concentrated longer and spent more time on tasks and switched around tasks less often. And their memory improved as well.

Low tech meditation may cure stress of high tech innovation.

“Many research efforts at the human-technology boundary have attempted to create technologies that augment human abilities,” said Jacob Wobbrock, a researcher in computer interaction. “This meditation work I unusual in that it attempts to augment human abilities not through technology but because of technology – because of the demands technology places on us and our need to cope with those demands.”

“We are encouraged by these first results,” stated Levy. “While there is increasing scientific evidence that certain forms of meditation increase concentration and reduce emotional volatility and stress, until now there has been little direct evidence that meditation may impart such benefits for those in stressful, information-intensive environments.”

Source: MedicalNewsToday, Proceedings of Graphics Interface, University of Washington


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