Not so empty nest

extended family

New information from the Census Bureau shows that more American young adults are living with their parents. Especially men. They also assert that this trend has nothing to do with the current recession.

The data was released as part of America’s Families and Living Arrangements: 2011, a series of tables resulting from the 2011 Current Population Survey. This survey looks at the socioeconomic characteristics of families and their households at the national level. This one was conducted in February to April of 2011 and included around 100,000 households.

Rose Kreider, author of the study and a family demographer with the Bureau’s Fertility and Family Statistics Branch said, “The increase in 25 to 34 year olds living in their parents’ home began before the recent recession, and has continued.” The percentage increased from 14% in 2005 to 19% in 2011. Women also increased their numbers but not by as much, from 8% in 2005 to 10% in 2011.

And there was a similar pattern for people under 25 years. As many as 59% of young men 18 to 24 and 50% of young women same age are finding it hard to get out of their parents’ house. That’s up from 53% and 46% respectively.

Another interesting trend at the other end of the spectrum is the increase in households of only one person. In 1960 the percentage was 13% and in 2011 it’s 28%. It’s been a steady upward climb over the decades.

It seems that we want to live by ourselves, unless we are young and the nest is comfortable.

Source: US Census Bureau, MedicalNewsToday


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The whole family dines together at home
The whole family dines together at a restaurant
Parents and children eat separately
Whoever is around eats together
Every family member for themselves!
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