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Why isn't she sleeping at night?
By Elizabeth Pantley

Here’s something that may really surprise you: As much as we may want our babies to sleep through the night, our own subconscious emotions sometimes hold us back from encouraging change in our babies’ sleeping habits. You yourself may be the very obstacle preventing a change in a routine that disrupts your life. So let's figure out if anything is standing in your way.

Checklist for safe cosleeping
By Elizabeth Pantley
The safety of bringing a baby into an adult bed has been the subject of much debate in modern society, especially recently. In 1999, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced a recommendation against cosleeping with a baby under age two. 12/01/03

Cosleeping in the Media: They're Still at It
By Linda F. Palmer, DC
The New York Times recently took the opportunity to provide us with some great news from a new study: Cosleeping in the US has doubled since 1993 --- from 5.5 to 12.8 percent. But, while the NIH report was neutral in nature, the Times just couldn't bring themselves to show us what good news this statistic could be. 08/00/03








Vegetarian Baby & Child


Let's Play Yoga - A yoga program for children between the ages of 2 and 6. Teacher training and home-study courses available.


Baby Matters book from Dr. Linda Folden Palmer

APConnect! AP and Natural Parenting Resources for Dallas/Fort Worth Texas


Busy Parents Online


Operation Special Delivery offers doula services to military spouses



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