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The report's key finding: Formula DOUBLES THE DEATH RATE for American infants.


Earth's Best Baby Food

Review by Bridgett Torrence

I like to imagine feeding my baby only wholesome homemade baby food. Ideally, that food would be made fresh daily with organic ingredients and perhaps frozen in ice-cube trays for later use. In real life, this isn't always possible. Real life often finds our family eating on the run, grabbing quick snacks between one function and the next. These convenience foods, though usually wholesome, are not always appropriate for baby. Fortunately, there is a healthful alternative to homemade baby food.


Earth's Best jars of baby food are certified organic and contain no added sugar or salt. Artificial flavors, colors or preservatives are never used. Earth's Best is free of genetically engineered ingredients (GEIs) and in 2000 it became the first company to offer Certified Kosher Organic Baby Food. In addition to offering fare for kosher families, Earth's Best labels identify which foods are vegetarian, vegan and wheat-free.


Convenient: Jarred food is portable, non-perishable, and does not require refrigeration when unopened.

Availability: Most health food stores carry Earth's Best as do some major grocery store chains. Check the Earth's Best website for a store near you or to purchase products directly.

Disaster Preparedness: Jarred baby food meets the American Red Cross recommendation for storing at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food that does not require refrigeration, cooking or water to prepare. It is also ideal for emergency car kits.


Cost: Prepared baby foods are expensive. Earth's Best Baby Food runs between $0. 62 for a 2.5-ounce jar of First Food to $1.20 for a 6-ounce jar of Junior Food. Bulk discounts are available.

Selection: Not all retailers carry the entire Earth's Best line; your selection may be limited. When I visited the Earth's Best website, some jarred food varieties were back-ordered.


Earth's Best Baby Food
Money-saving coupons available!

American Red Cross
Disaster Preparedness without the sensationalism.

Bridgett Torrence is a freelance writer and mother of two living in coastal southern California. She enjoys natural parenting, whole-foods cooking and speculative fiction.





Let's Play Yoga - A yoga program for children between the ages of 2 and 6. Teacher training and home-study courses available.
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"The media have become the mainstream culture in children's lives. Parents have become the alternative. Americans once expected parents to raise their children in accordance with the dominant cultural messages. Today they are expected to raise their children in opposition to it."
-- Ellen Goodman, Boston Globe columnist

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