NFO readers want to know what makes natural parenting practices beneficial, why they should use them and how they can add natural parenting to their own family lives. NFO gives you the nuts-and-bolts tools you need for happy, healthy, effective attachment parenting and natural family living.
Natural Family Online™ magazine is a publication of Blame Mama Media™.
Dr. Jay Gordon's site was awarded NFO's Key Resource on the Web Award for October 2004. Dr. Jay's response: I’m very honored. Your site is wonderful! Best, Jay
As an NFP family it is always a joy to read positive and educated ddescriptions of NFP. thanks
The Addisons
Hello, I have just spent way too much time browsing your fantastic web site. GREAT information and excellent resources! Thanks for the lift. :-)
Rexanne Mancini
Latest Press Releases:
Where We've Been:
International Chiropractice Pediatric Association
Bolen Report Health News
Florida Lactation Consultation Association
Susun Weed makes a mention of NFO in her newsletter
A Magical Childhood included us in their December, 2003 newsletter
Our Editor Lisa Poisso is a regular writer for and her Parenting Under Fire article was featured in December
Deadly Influence of Formula Linked to:
Shirley's Wellness Cafe
Linked in a major article by Katie Allison Granju published this afternoon on Hip Mama
Midwifery Today featured the Deadly Influence of Formula in America on their home page and in their December 10th Issue
The Talk About Health Network linked to our feature in their Kids Health section
Featured on Whale
December 12, 2003 issue of Nanny's Notes (for parents and grandparents) in the Resources section.
Mercola's newsletter, 2nd time
Mercola newsletter that reaches over 150,000 subscribers
ONLINE BIRTH CENTER NEWS in the December 23rd issue
The Night Owl Chronicles linked to us in their discussion about the AAP President speaking out against breastfeeding ads
Katie Allison Granju notes us on and in her blog
Linked to
The Friends of Freedom featured the Deadly Influence of Formula in America in their Latest News page -- The Promotion of Mother's Milk, Inc -- listed NFO's press release on The Deadly Influence of Formula in America in their Three Minute Activist
Dr. Palmer's study linked to
Dr. Palmer links to her study here at NFO on The Natural Child Project
Vaccination News linked to us
Dr. Palmer links her site to her study here on NFO
The Deadly Influence of Formula in America was listed at with Dr. Joseph Mercola who said, "This groundbreaking and MUST read analysis from a noted author is the first time a health expert has published an examination of the available scientific research comparing the death rates of formula-fed and breastfed babies. While the results hold no surprises for breastfeeding educators and advocates, the study may prove to be a rude awakening for the millions of Americans who have bought into the myth that infant formula is a perfectly safe breast milk substitute.
Infant formula was designed to be a medical nutritional tool for babies who are unable to breastfeed. Formula does not fully meet the nutritional and immunity needs of infants, leaving their immune systems flailing. An infant’s immune system has three aspects: her own immature, developing immune system; the small component of immunities that passes through the placenta during natural childbirth (and to a lesser degree with premature births and cesarean sections); and the most valuable, living portion that is passed on through mother’s milk on an ongoing basis. Remove any of these components and you take away a vital support structure. You can review my article earlier this year on healthy alternatives for further information."