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Changes as of 04/18/04

Requesting & Paying for an Ad Slot

Step 1 - Contact Information Form
Please provide the following information. We use this to program our ad manager software and contact you in emergency. Your information will never be abused, sold or rented:

Your Name:
Company Name:
Email address:
Website URL:
URL your ad will point to if different than above:
May we sign you up for postal mail offers and updates: Y or N
Please join here for e-mail updates and offers.

Address/city/state or Province/postal code:
Up to 10 Keywords:
Website Description (to 10 words):

Ad Request:

Ad slot(s) requested:
example: The Bottom Line page, and 75 word newsletter text ad (please specify which text ad: 30 or 75 word)

Length of time, number of clicks or impressions:
example: The Bottom Line 10,000 impressions, text ad 1 month

Date you want EACH ad to start:
Do you wish to use our graphic services ($20 for a static banner, $25 for animated) to design your ad?

Form of Payment (see choices below)

By submitting an ad request you understand that your ad will most likely be in a rotation and that it will be monitored daily for activity. By submitting your ad request you give your permission for the staff to change or add to my ad campaign by moving or adding ad placements anywhere in the Busy Family Network if the staff feels your ad is not generating enough views.

Step 2 - Submit This Form
Please return this form by and we’ll return your e-mail within 1 week.

If you wish to use our graphic services, we will connect you with a designer to work out the details of your ad. $20 for a static ad banner/button and $25 for an animated graphic, paid up-front.

Step 3 - Submit Your Ad
Submit your graphic or text ad in a second e-mail to the same address.

Step 4 - Payment
Please do not pay until we've confirmed your e-mail and added on extra fees you've requested like static positions and graphics services.

You have four avenues of payment to choose from at this time:

1- You may pay online with "cash" or credit card . Please make a notation in the "Comments" field of the form that your payment is for "NFO Advertising"
2 - Credit Card by telephone coming soon!
3 – Online shopping cart coming soon!
4 - You may mail in a personal check or money order

If you would like to mail your payment, please with a note that your check will be mailed. We'll give you a mailing address then.Your ad will go up as soon as your check or m/o has cleared.

Please send a printed copy of our confirmation e-mail with your money order or check to indicate the purpose of the payment, or a note to that effect, so that you can be properly credited.

There is a $20 fee on returned checks.

Ad Rules & Limitations:

1- Ads must be family friendly.
2- We reserve the right to turn an ad campaign away without explanation.
3- We reserve the right to change your ad campaign to better serve you
. We constantly monitor your hits and impressions to ensure you're being served with a fair amount.
4- We reserve the right to make changes in policy without notifiction (ie: changing banner positions to rotations).
5- We will not refund money. Due to many campaigns being paid ahead of time, and ads being served, we cannot refund. We will work with you on your campaign to make it work if you find that it's unsatisfactory.


Being a parent is only natural, so why not parent more naturally?
Let NFO show you how.

"The media have become the mainstream culture in children's lives. Parents have become the alternative. Americans once expected parents to raise their children in accordance with the dominant cultural messages. Today they are expected to raise their children in opposition to it."
-- Ellen Goodman, Boston Globe columnist

NFO is an open forum for the public exchange of information and statements made pertaining to the properties and functions of foods, supplements, herbs, medicines and other nutritional products as well as to strategies and procedures have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. Natural Family Online™ and Blame Mama Media™ are not affiliated with any political or religious organization and do not endorse the personal opinions of the individual writers presented on this web site. Please review the rest of our disclaimer and user agreement. Natural Family Online (NFO) is © 2003, 2004 Blame Mama Media™. All Rights Reserved. Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site. Graphics by . Hosting, Design and Management by Blame Mama Media.