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PMS - Pre Menstrual Syndrome

Try These Herbs for Fertility, Periods, Libido, and Avoiding Conception
For thousands of years, knowledge of herbs and wild plants that could increase fertility were the secrets of the village wise women. But after the holocaust against European wise women (the "burning times") and the virtual extermination of Native American medicine women, this knowledge virtually disappeared.

Who me? Moody? Homeopathy for PMS
Now that I know more about homeopathy, my husband’s code words need to change. We know the standards: cut back on caffeine, alcohol, salty and fatty and junk foods; get plenty of exercise; and eat your fruits and veggies (all which is completely counter to what my body really wants to do, which includes sitting on my butt, watching old movies and stuff my face with chocolate and chips and wine). In addition to these, homeopathy can support you in your monthly quest to remain sane during that particularly insane time of the month.

10 Tips for Women With PMS
Water retention, mood swings, sore breasts and indigestion are problems experienced by many women in the week preceding menstruation.

Change Your Mood with Aromatherapy
Contemporary healers, therapists and marketing gurus are grabbing hold of a phenomenon that insects and animals instinctively understand: the power of aroma. Scientists pursue aromachology (the study of scent and its ability to change human behavior) for its role in everything from medicine to marketing, migraines to memory loss and relaxation to revitalization.

Melt Away Tension With Lemon Balm
Lemon balm, a member of the mint family, has been used for centuries to melt away tension, relax the body and soothe the mind. Often overlooked, it deserves to be considered as a part of any medicinal herb garden.

Using Flower Essences for Emotional Well-being
Flower essence therapy is similar to homeopathy in important ways. It works on a non-physical level to help resolve, not suppress, issues that affect your health. What are the issues specific to you that are affecting you the most right now?

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