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Treating Acne with Homeopathy

By Susy Parker Goins

It never fails, does it? You have some hot date coming up and -- wham! You wake up the morning of and there it is, as big as all Texas: the ugliest zit (is that what they’re called now?) in the middle of your face. You could do like the father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding and spray something on it, but there’s that annoying ammonia smell that squelches all serious emotions.

Or you could consider homeopathy.

Homeopathy considers acne to be a manifestation of a deeper issue. You won’t find a homeopath using topical gels, creams or ointments on acne, treating the surface. As a holistic treatment, homeopathy looks at you as a whole, inside and outside -- not simply as another bad case of pimples. A homeopath is interested in your complete history and your “totality of symptoms” as it stands that day. Then, she can better treat you -- not just your acne -- for a complete and gentle healing.

Self-treatment for outbreaks
Having said all that, sometimes you can self-treat an acute (sudden onset) episode of acne with the following remedies.

Kali bichromicum focuses on acne on your forehead and/or sensitive, nervous girls who sigh frequently. Kali bic can also help with blackheads and itchy pimples on your face, chest and shoulders. Kali bic. acne is also associated with increased sexual urges, so we’re talking serious puberty and hormonal changes here. Symptoms are improved from exercise or mental stimulation and worse during your period.

Another Kali remedy, Kali bromatum, helps with acne that leaves unsightly scars. If you are warm-blooded, sometimes feel numb and your symptoms are worse during puberty and your period, Kali bromatum can help.

Pulsatilla is for pimples caused by hormonal imbalances. Of course, symptoms are worse at puberty just as periods start (it’s all about hormones then, isn’t?), especially in overweight girls. Pulsatilla symptoms are better from crying or sympathy, gentle exercise, fresh air, cold compresses. They are worse from hot stuffy rooms, rich fatty foods, in evening or at night.

Kali muriaticum pimples are filled with thick, white pus. They are worse from fresh air, cold, damp weather, rich fatty foods and during your period.

Hepar sulfuricum is good for large, pus-filled acne that is painful and sensitive to the touch and (I know this is gross, but …) about ready to burst. It’s also effective for blackheads that are worse on your forehead. This acne is caused by hormonal changes that come with puberty. Your symptoms are better with warmth or warm, damp compresses on your face and worse from cold or in a draft or in the morning.

Acne blisters that ooze a yellow or honey-like pus will respond to Graphites. If you are better with warmth (but need fresh air), from eating or sleeping, look to Graphites. And if you’re worse from damp, cold air and drafts, in the morning and evening, during your period, from using steroids, sweet foods and seafood – yup, check out Graphites.

Silicea works for acne with lots of whiteheads. When every cut becomes infected and leaves a scar, grab the Silicea. Also, think about Silicea if your symptoms are better from hot, humid weather, wrapping up warmly, especially the head and worse in the morning, in drafts, with cold and damp, if your sweating is suppressed and on the new moon (no, really!).

As a constitutional remedy, Sulphur is the one for those who look a mess most of the time -- in permanent “casual Friday” mode. Sulphur is best when you have rough, dirty, scaly, itchy, red skin that is worse from scratching, washing or water. Symptoms are better from fresh, warm, dry air and worse in the morning and at night (hey, that leaves afternoon and evening), from alcohol, damp and cold, stuffy rooms or wearing too many clothes.

Acne scars get lots of help from Calendula and Antimonium tartaricum. Calendula gels are great for skin in general. Make sure there is no infection, however. Calendula will heal skin so quickly that if there is an infection, it will go deeper into your system. (And we don’t want that, do we now?) Antimonium tataricum is best for purplish scars -- better from cold, open room and worse from damp, cold weather, evening warmth, all sour foods and milk.

It may be hard, but take a good look at yourself in the mirror and really study those pimples. Then you can pick the remedy that can help you to dazzling skin.

© Susy Parker Goins

An informal student of natural health for years, NFO Bookshelf and Natural Beauty Editor Susy Goins received her certificate in homeopathy from the American College of Health Sciences. The self-proclaimed out-of-the-mainstream mama of three is a writer, belly dancer, actress, costumer and cook and will soon be celebrating 20 years of marriage to her husband.


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