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Kid's Education - Kid's Articles on Education

Essential Art Supplies for Creative Kids
Creativity brings joy to life. Stimulate kids' imaginations by having these inexpensive supplies on hand.

Old-fashioned Ways To Inspire Your Kids
Walk through any toy store and you will see walls and walls of toys that are loud — toys that require batteries, have flashing lights or look like your child's favorite movie character. But what about those of us who want to raise children with imagination and curiosity? I'll tell you what we do. We choose to fill our houses with some of the following old-fashioned items.

Frugal Family Fun
Here are some frugal entertainment ideas for the whole family. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Keep your eyes and ears open and you will find many more opportunities to have fun with your family without spending a lot of money.

Build Life Skills With Music
Love, respect and appreciation for music are easy to share with our children and build life skills at the same time. During the first years of our child’s life, musical skills build self-esteem and enhance expression. Musical rhythms spur motor development. Learning melodies and words stimulates listening capacity and help children develop receptive language.

TV and Your Toddler’s Attention Span
But you won't see an outcry from the mass media giants in this country. You see, we live in the country where "Why TV is Good for Kids" appeared as the cover story in Newsweek Magazine in 2002 — the same Newsweek Magazine that's owned by the Washington Post Company, which owns a sprawling cable company and six broadcast stations around the country.
No, you won't hear too much about these important studies from the Time-Warners of the world. Bad for business, you see. But if you're the parent of a young child, it's much more than that. It's the possibility of permanently affecting your child's health.

Are violent movies, video games, and television programs harmful to my child’s education?
The answer is “yes” — experts agree that violent media is harmful to children and their education. Education is the act of acquiring knowledge; therefore, any activity that impedes this knowledge acquisition is undesirable and problematic. There are many factors that contribute to a child’s education, but popular media such as movies, video games and television are profoundly influential because statistics show that the average child spends more time in these activities above all other activities except for sleep

Science in the Blink of an Eye
Help children develop a love for science or nurture their already growing interest with these simple experiments.

The Easy Way to Start a School Drama Club
You don't need to have an extensive theatre background to create a theatre group at your child’s school. All you need to get started is enthusiasm, a few good books or websites and, of course, this guideline.

Mom, I Want to Quit Piano Lessons!
Children just don't have the same level of concentration that adults do -- or the same level of devotion. Nor do they realize what is at stake: the possibility of giving up altogether the chance to develop life-long skills in order to play soccer, watch more TV, have more play time, not be tied to a piano bench for 30 minutes a day or not to follow up on the discipline set forth by the past nine months of lessons.

Make Readers of Your Future Leaders
Everyone wants their kids to do well. To that end, we educate them, hover over them and spend lots of time and money guiding them into a future with no guarantees. This is all good stuff, but sometimes it's easy to overlook the simple things that can offer big results for small investments.

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