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New to homeopathy? Start here!

Homeopathic Limitations

By Susy Parker Goins

If you’ve read anything I’ve written about homeopathy, it’s easy to think, “Gee, this stuff can fix anything.” True, it’s an amazing healing modality -- but it’s not a miracle cure.

It may seem like a miracle when you take that Aconite at the first sniffle and five hours later, your cold is gone. It could seem like a miracle when your child’s fingers got caught in the door and the Arnica you pour down her throat and smeared on her hand take the bruising and swelling away. It may even seem like a miracle when you have those bend-over menstrual cramps that disappeared with Magnesia phosphorica.

Now for the reality check.

Homeopathy cannot replace an organ. If that liver is shot and requires a transplant, go with the transplant. If an organ is dead or so defective that it simply does not work, homeopathy can help the little that is left but not re-grow a dead organ.

Homeopathy cannot repair bone. If that leg is broken, get a cast. Homeopathy can help relieve pain. If arthritis is advanced that your joints are eroded, homeopathy will not be able to help fast enough to do much good.

Homeopathy cannot change your circumstances. Face it, if you are not willing to change the circumstances surrounding a condition, homeopathy won’t fix it. It means you have to stop smoking to reduce the bronchial inflammation. Change your desk environment to prevent further carpal tunnel damage. Change your friends if they drink and you’re in recovery. Homeopathy can support you in your efforts to change, but it won’t do it all for you.

Homeopathy cannot make you eat properly. If you’re sitting around pouring a bag of chips down your throat, you have to get off your duff, exercise and cut out the fats/carbs/sugars/meat/whatever to regain health. Eating properly can set you up to be healthier and less in need of homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathy is not a miracle cure. The blind will not see, the lame walk and the dead arise. If you are suffering from a terminal illness, homeopathy won’t remove the cancer or cure the disease. It can ease pain and make you more comfortable, but it can’t kiss it and make it all better. That’s why they call homeopathy a complementary medicine. You have to work with it to make it most effective.

© Susy Parker Goins

An informal student of natural health for years, NFO Bookshelf and Natural Beauty Editor Susy Goins received her certificate in homeopathy from the American College of Health Sciences. The self-proclaimed out-of-the-mainstream mama of three is a writer, belly dancer, actress, costumer and cook and will soon be celebrating 20 years of marriage to her husband.


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