Tea for Two
By Demetria Clark
Nursing is one of the most powerful energy exchanges between two people. Mother and child are connected at a deep soul level. Sometimes, though, busy lives, medicine, myths and measurements seem to sabotage efforts and undermine this powerful relationship. Mothers are often told, "Give the baby a bottle," or "When are you going to stop?"
When a nursing mom is feeling run-down, insecure or convinced she is not making enough milk, she can do a few simple things to uplift emotions, increase supply and make time for herself.
It’s tea time!
Tea can supply the body with more than just liquid. Although teas can be mildly dehydrating, they are much less so than juices, sodas and coffee. "Water is the one essential element to life as we know it," says Susan Kleiner, Ph.D., R.D., a nutritionist in Seattle, Washington, and author of Power Eating (Human Kinetics, 1998). All teas are made with water, and all organisms in the world are directly linked with their need for water. According to Kleiner, more than one-third of all Americans are chronically dehydrated.
Tea supplies the body with vitamins, nutrients and minerals. All of the herbs in the formulas written below are rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients and taste. Tea can give moms a few minutes to drink in peace — and to breath. Tea can allow a mom to be creative with blending her own teas and finding the one she likes the most.
Herbal teas can fortify and increase milk supply. Just keep in mind that most healthy woman with low stress and functional lives do not need any assistance. A woman's body already makes the world's best food for babies.
Basic tea-brewing
An infusion is when simmered water is poured over plant matter and it is allowed to sit for at least 20 minutes. (It can sit overnight. As a rule, I allow four hours.) Infusions are made from flowers, leaves and soft stems.
A decoction is when the plant matter is placed into hot water and allowed to simmer for 20 minutes. Harder stems, roots and barks are decocted.
A part is a base measurement. Depending on the desired quantity, a part is one tablespoon, teaspoon, cup, etc.
Tea recipes
Mama’s Milk
• One part blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus), also known as mothermilk thistle. The herb contains B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron and manganese. Blessed thistle is also a traditional bitter used for aiding digestion.
• 2 parts nettle (Urtica dioica). Nettles are one of the most widely applicable plants. They strengthen and support the whole body. Throughout Europe, they are used as a spring tonic and general detoxifying remedy. Rich in chlorophyll, iron and calcium, nettles increase breast milk and energy.
• Two parts red raspberry leaf (Rubus ideaeus). Red raspberry leaf is rich in calcium, magnesium and iron.
• One part fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare). Fennel seed increases the flow of milk.
• One-quarter part fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum). Fenugreek is an adjunct milk increaser. The chemical components of fenugreek seed include iron, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, phosphates, flavonoids, saponins, trigonelline and other alkaloids. This wonderful seed is also high in fiber and protein.
Crush the fenugreek and fennel seeds. Mix ingredients and add 2 teaspoons to a cup of gently simmering water. Simmer for 10 minutes because of the leaf matter that is present.
Mama With a Cold Tea
This is a great tea for Mom when she has a cold — and for baby, too. Sometimes, when Mom isn't feeling great, she worries about milk production. This tea can help fortify her milk and help her with the cold.
• One part rose hips. (Some varieties boast five to 10 times more vitamin C than an orange.) Rosehips are considered uplifting and depression fighters.
• One part red raspberry leaves (Rubus ideaeus).
• One part red clover (Trifolium pratense). Red clover contains isoflavins and bioflavinoids. It is considered a gentle, blood cleanser.
Prepare as an infusion. Add 2 teaspoons of dried plant matter to a cup and add 1 cup of water pouring over the plant.
Mother Anxiety
• One part motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca). Motherwort is great for stress and anxiety.
• Half part peppermint (Mentha piperita). Peppermint is great for tension and nervousness. Warning: Peppermint can reduce milk supply.
• One part nettle.
Make as an infusion.
Milk Seed Tea
These are common seeds used for milk production all over the world. They are flavorful, too.
• One part red raspberry
•Half part fennel
•Half part anise (increases milk flow)
•One-quarter part caraway (increases milk flow)
Crush seeds and mix with red raspberry leaf. Make as an infusion, because the seeds have a high volatile oil content and you don't want to be over-powered.
Other ways to relax
Mom also can use essential oils around the house to feel more relaxed and at peace. She can add a few drops to her bath, shampoo, lotion, sheets, laundry, etc. Remember, less is more with essential oils. Do not take them internally, and properly educate yourself before using them.
• Lavender is calming, an anti-depressant and very easy to find.
•Chamomile is calming, an anti-depressant and a relaxant.
•Clary sage is good for stress and exhaustion.
•Sweet orange is great for being uplifted and relieving stress.
In addition, Mom's diet is essential. Fresh fruits and vegetables are paramount, as are whole grains and fresh juices and water. Get plenty of protein and rest.
Remember that education is essential, and herbs are real medicinals that can cause adverse effects if improperly used. Take the time and look it up if you're not sure.
Read more:
• Hygeia by Jeaninne Parvarti
• Wise Woman's Herbal for Childbearing Years by Susun Weed
• The Holistic Herbal by David Hoffmann
• The Complete Woman's Herbal by Anne Mc Intyre
• The Woman's Book of Herbs by Deb Soule
©Demetria Clark